That the demands of the world, the restrictions, the conditions in my life would keep me in my place. That I would never explore the world and myself in it as I've always imagined.
I am afraid that if I do not have the courage now to break free of societal conventions and responsibilities, it will be progressively harder to do so. And I will forever remain where I am. Bitterly. Angrily. Cowardly.
I am afraid that my life wouldn't be the life I wanted. but a life I chose. And I'm not sure if that's any better.
It is hard not to fall into the all too familiar depths of darkness and
pain . The cold dark-room of my heart welcomes me with nothing to accompany
me but ...
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche VoilÃ
le portrait sans retouches De l’homme auquel j’appartiens La Vie En Rose,
*crawls out of coconut shell* Helloooo. Yes, I have clearly abandoned this
fella for 4 whole months. A lot has happened in the past 4 months (one of
it bei...
The Gauntlet
I like to express myself in a way that is both corny and sentimental, like
something you'd read in a terrible romance novel. It's because it gives me
a ref...