So, apparently, I am more guy than girl. In an attempt to be the right gender, I asked around school on how to be a girl, according to guys.
These were the rules they put up:
1/ Be confused - Brandon and Samuel. There's a story behind this...but that's not important.
2/Sit like a girl - Samuel Corollary: Based on observations made from the senior class of Vineyard, application of this rule deducts that:
a/ All girls except one are not girls, and b/ All boys except one are not girls Haha! Confusing right?? But it actually makes sense. Serious. Read it again.
3/ Have boobs ....... but no penis - Jaryl Practical. Thank you.
4/ Be hot .....something you're extremely lacking - (hmm yeah, guess who?) Josh and Brand.
5/ Don't shout excessively - Josh
6/ Don't cry at every sad moment - Josh is stereotyping
7/ Pay attention to other guys - words of wisdom from Desmond
8/ Be able to multitask - Jon
9/ No Chewbacca (the hairy dude on Star Wars) hair - Derrick. This rule shall be ignored.
10/ Don't be rough. Don't start (physical) fights - Garrett Although it may sound sexist, it is true though right?
11/ Have girl gestures - Daniel He couldn't tell me exactly what these hand gestures were. He said vaguely that girls moved their hands whilst they talk. Oh yeah, this is the bit where I mention that Daniel moved his hands throughout the whole conversation.
12/ Grooming. Plucking eyebrows was the only example he can think of - Basil
13/ Manicures - Keith
14/ Don't walk with a swagger - Josh
15/ Don't be aggressive - Josh Oh, THANKS Josh.
16/ Do NOT announce yourself when going to the toilet - Josh.
So that's the end of it. This list has started out being a HOW to be a GIRL manual and somehow converted to a "How to be the PERFECT girl manual."Pffffffft. Anything anyone want to add? Or complain about?
*grins. Look out for the next post. HOW to be a GIRL, according to GIRLS.
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